Click and Destroy

Take THEIR money out of politics. Click their ads to make them pay. 11/3 every day. 11 conservative ads. 3 Trump ads.

We are the majority, and they know it. That’s why the GOP has been suppressing votes for years, undermining the very foundation of our democracy as they desperately cling to power. Voter suppression is the only way they have any hope of winning.

Now it’s time to use our overwhelming numbers to our advantage. Find their ads and click them, so they have to pay for the ad. Every click takes money out of their pockets. There are so many of us that we can burn through their entire ad budget, effectively shutting them out of social media marketing. 

If you don’t typically see conservative ads in your feeds, you’ll have to prime the pump. Follow some conservative pages, and click on their ads. Read some Fox News. Google Trump, McConnell, and the others, and click the ads. 

Click them in your search results. Click them in your feeds. Click them everywhere you see them. The more you click, the more ads they’ll send you. After just a few days you’ll get to the point where you can click 14 ads per day without even trying. Remember, 11/3 every day: eleven ads from any conservative, and three ads specifically from Trump. That’s just 14 clicks per day. 

If this strategy works, they’ll try to copy it. So what? We outnumber them. This is not a battle they can win, unless we chose not to fight. 

Together, we can save America and the world from the scourge of Trump the Fascist.